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Climate Change

Climate change is happening, and it is already affecting people worldwide, such as Kenyan farmers who are grappling with changing weather patterns, and the Inuit people in Canada’s north whose traditional livelihoods are being affected by changing ice and animal-migration patterns. What does that have to do with our faith? Quite a bit.



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Climate Witness Project

The Climate Witness Project is a campaign designed to walk with congregations. Learn more and join today.


Why I Care About Climate Change

A blog series is dedicated to those voices who do not shout the loudest but have deep knowledge and important wisdom that needs to be heard.

Kenya: Climate Conversations

For millions of subsistence farmers in Kenya, climate change can mean the difference between life and death.

Bangladesh - The Canary in the Coal Mine

Listen to the stories of people who are already being impacted by climate change in Bangladesh.

Iron and Earth

This organization made up of oilsands workers developing renewables industries.

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